Hey everyone,
I am having trouble to get a pipeline configuration running which uses a shotgrid file descriptor that points to the uploaded config.
I did the following setup.
I created a new pipeline configuration for my project. I uploaded a zip file of my pipeline config to the uploaded_config
In the windows path field, I put in the shotgrid file descriptor following the documentation on:
which results in:
is the id of the uploaded config zip file as you can see here:
If I switch to the above config in the shotgrid desktop app, I get an error that the descriptor does not point at a valid bundle on disk.
I can find these additional logging entries in the console:
2023-02-02 15:07:47,980 [ DEBUG] Found a pipeline configuration to load in ShotGrid, picking {'id': 641, 'type': 'PipelineConfiguration', 'name': 'Unreal', 'project': {'id': 785, 'name': 'Example', 'type': 'Project'}, 'descriptor': >, 'descriptor_source_uri': None}.
2023-02-02 15:07:47,982 [ DEBUG] Downloading sgtk:descriptor:path?linux_path=None&mac_path=None&windows_path=sgtk:descriptor:shotgun%3Fentity_type%3DPipelineConfiguration%26id%3D641%26field%3Duploaded_config%26version%3D40300 to the local Toolkit install location...
It seems to get stuck at downloading the config…
Anyone any idea whats going on or what I am missing?
All the best