I’m trying to figure out how to get the farm bootstrap to pull/ download and open up upload configurations from Shotgrid currently it seem that it only work if I physically open the configuration on the farm. it sees the configuration it just will not open it
'config_descriptor': <CachedConfigDescriptor <IODescriptorShotgunEntity sgtk:descriptor:shotgun?entity_type=PipelineConfiguration&field=uploaded_config&id=####&version=#####>>,
'descriptor': None,
'id': ####,
'linux_path': None,
'mac_path': None,
'plugin_ids': 'basic.*',
'project': None,
'type': 'PipelineConfiguration',
'uploaded_config': {'content_type': 'application/zip',
'id': #####,
'link_type': 'upload',
'name': 'arm_test_.zip',
'type': 'Attachment',
'url': 'https://sg-media-usor-01.s3-accelerate.amazonaws.com/'},
'users': [],
'windows_path': None}```
seems like its having issue resolving local paths? any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.