No window appears when I launch Shotgun Create

I installed Shotgun Create using the “Apps” list in the Shotgun webpage.

When I launch Shotgun Create no window/UI appears. The process is in the Task Manager, but it’s doing nothing.

This is what’s in the log file.

SGC Logger 1.1: ShotgunCreate log file

Started - (Mountain Daylight Time) Thu Apr 15 17:22:43 2021

Hostname - MRVFX01

[notice] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:43.877 [ UPDATES ] No updates installed
[notice] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:44.143 [ MAIN ] Shotgun Create version 2021.4.1 (Thu 04/01/2021, 202104010924, build 986, commit 1478386, branch master)
[notice] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:44.143 [ MAIN ] Program argument: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Shotgun Create\bin\ShotgunCreate.exe
[notice] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:44.143 [ MAIN ] Program argument: --disable-renderer-accessibility
[notice] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:44.143 [ MAIN ] Program argument: --enable-features=OverlayScrollbar
[notice] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:44.143 [ MAIN ] Program argument: --python2
[notice] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:44.143 [ MAIN ] Data Path: C:/Users/Mike/AppData/Roaming/Autodesk/Shotgun Create
[notice] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:44.143 [ MAIN ] Cache Path: C:/Users/Mike/AppData/Local/Autodesk/Shotgun Create/cache
[notice] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:44.143 [ MAIN ] Updates Path: C:/Users/Mike/AppData/Roaming/Autodesk/Shotgun Create/ApplicationUpdates
[notice] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:44.144 [ MAIN ] Download Path: C:/Users/Mike/Downloads
[notice] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:44.144 [ MAIN ] QThreadPool Maximum ThreadCount: 24
[notice] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:44.144 [ UPDATES ] Last launched version 2021.4.1
[notice] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:44.144 [ UPDATES ] Current version 2021.4.1
[warn] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:44.166 [ PYTHON ] Removing PYTHONPATH
[notice] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:44.166 [ PYTHON ] Initializing the Python interpreter.
[notice] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:44.166 [ PYTHON ] Loading the Python Shared library
[notice] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:44.167 [ PYTHON ] Found C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Shotgun Create/python2/libcrypto-1_1-x64.pdb
[notice] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:44.167 [ PYTHON ] Found C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Shotgun Create/python2/python27.dll
[notice] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:44.167 [ PYTHON ] Selected C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Shotgun Create/python2/python27.dll
[notice] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:44.207 [ PYTHON ] Python Shared Library successfully loaded
[notice] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:44.207 [ PYTHON ] [ Name ] → ShotgunCreate
[notice] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:44.207 [ PYTHON ] [ Version ] → 2.7.17 (v2.7.17:c2f86d86e6, Oct 19 2019, 21:01:17) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)]
[notice] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:44.207 [ PYTHON ] [ Build ] → v2.7.17:c2f86d86e6, Oct 19 2019, 21:01:17
[notice] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:44.207 [ PYTHON ] [ Platform ] → win32
[notice] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:44.207 [ PYTHON ] [ sys.prefix ] → C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Shotgun Create/python2
[notice] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:44.207 [ PYTHON ] [ sys.exec_prefix ] → C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Shotgun Create/python2
[notice] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:44.207 [ PYTHON ] [ PYTHONPATH ] → C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Shotgun Create\python2\;C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Shotgun Create/python2\DLLs;C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Shotgun Create/python2\lib;C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Shotgun Create/python2\lib\plat-win;C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Shotgun Create/python2\lib\lib-tk;C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Shotgun Create\bin
[notice] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:44.207 [ PYTHON ] [ PYTHONHOME ] → C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Shotgun Create/python2
[notice] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:44.430 [ UPDATES ] Updating PythonInterpreterPath.txt to point to: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Shotgun Create/python2/python.exe
[warn] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:44.432 [ QT ] [ default ] Warning: Setting a new default format with a different version or profile after the global shared context is created may cause issues with context sharing.
[warn] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:44.662 [ QT ] [ default ] Please register the custom scheme ‘sgc’ via QWebEngineUrlScheme::registerScheme() before installing the custom scheme handler.
[notice] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:44.662 [ MAIN ] Initializing the Shotgun Toolkit manager
[notice] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:44.662 [ PYTHON ] Executing :/sgtk/scripts/
[notice] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:44.677 [ MAIN ] Initializing the RV module
[notice] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:44.678 [ MAIN ] Initializing the WebEngine module
[notice] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:44.678 [ MEDIA LIBRARY ] Executing request: GET_MIN_SG_VERSION
[notice] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:44.678 [ UPDATES ] Update status changed to UPDATED
[notice] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:44.960 [ MAIN ] Registering QML Types
[notice] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:44.960 [ MAIN ] Installing fonts
[notice] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:44.961 [ MAIN ] Fonts installed
[notice] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:44.963 [ MAIN ] Setting the context properties
[notice] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:44.963 [ MAIN ] Loading the main qml file
[warn] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:45.342 [ QT ] [ default ] Attribute Qt::AA_ShareOpenGLContexts must be set before QCoreApplication is created.
[warn] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:45.342 [ QT ] [ default ] Warning: Setting a new default format with a different version or profile after the global shared context is created may cause issues with context sharing.
[warn] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:45.888 [ QT ] [ default ] qrc:/src/ui/qml/PlaybackControlBar.qml:38:5: QML Rectangle: Cannot specify top, bottom, and verticalCenter anchors at the same time.
[warn] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:46.050 [ QT ] [ default ] Model size of -1 is less than 0
[warn] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:46.113 [ QT ] [ default ] qrc:/src/ui/qml/PlayerTimeline.qml:537:13: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString
[warn] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:46.113 [ QT ] [ default ] qrc:/src/ui/qml/PlayerTimeline.qml:560:13: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString
[warn] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:46.113 [ QT ] [ default ] qrc:/src/ui/qml/PlayerTimeline.qml:890:13: Unable to assign [undefined] to double
[notice] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:46.113 [ MAIN ] Starting the Qt event loop
[error] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:47.274 [curl error 6]: Could not resolve host: -
[notice] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:47.281 [ MEDIA LIBRARY ] Executed GET_MIN_SG_VERSION
[warn] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:47.593 [ QT ] [ default ] Property ‘isForceTimeLogEnableAtVersionCreation’’ of object ‘QapplicationDriver’ has no notify signal and is not constant, value updates in HTML will be broken!
[notice] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:47.600 [ MEDIA LIBRARY ] Executing request: UNREGISTER_HANDLER NodeId: /
[notice] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:47.600 [ MEDIA LIBRARY ] Executed UNREGISTER_HANDLER
[error] 1204 04/15/21:17:22:47.600 [ CONTROLLER ] Shotgun connection failure

I am also having this issue. Is there a workaround or resolution?

Hi @Michael_Rich, @mgoetsch,

There’s a known issue that should have been fixed but it might have come back did you changed your screen configuration after having launched Shotgun Create once? It can be adding/removing a monitor or changing the resolution of the screen.

Also, Can you see the app if you press [WINDOWS] + [LEFT Arrow] or [WINDOWS] + [RIGHT Arrow]?

I tried some different graphics settings, but I still see a blank login page. I am also getting these errors:
[notice] 5420 04/29/21:16:09:59.341 [ PLAYER ] Initializing the player.
[error] 5420 04/29/21:16:10:00.576 [curl error 6]: Could not resolve host: api
[error] 5420 04/29/21:16:10:00.576 [curl error 6]: Could not resolve host: -
[error] 5420 04/29/21:16:10:00.576 [ AUTHENTICATION MANAGER ] Failed to fetch the site metadata: kCurlError
[error] 5420 04/29/21:16:10:00.576 [ AUTHENTICATION MANAGER ]
[notice] 5420 04/29/21:16:10:00.580 [ MEDIA LIBRARY ] Executed GET_MIN_SG_VERSION
[warn] 5420 04/29/21:16:10:01.006 [ QT ] [ default ] Property ‘isForceTimeLogEnableAtVersionCreation’’ of object ‘QapplicationDriver’ has no notify signal and is not constant, value updates in HTML will be broken!
[notice] 5420 04/29/21:16:10:01.013 [ MEDIA LIBRARY ] Executing request: UNREGISTER_HANDLER NodeId: /
[notice] 5420 04/29/21:16:10:01.013 [ MEDIA LIBRARY ] Executed UNREGISTER_HANDLER
[error] 5420 04/29/21:16:10:01.013 [ CONTROLLER ] Shotgun connection failure
[error] 5420 04/29/21:16:10:01.862 [curl error 6]: Could not resolve host: api
[error] 5420 04/29/21:16:10:01.862 [ AUTHENTICATION MANAGER ] Failed to fetch the site metadata: kCurlError
[error] 5420 04/29/21:16:10:01.862 [ AUTHENTICATION MANAGER ]
[notice] 5420 04/29/21:16:10:28.405 [ DRIVER ] Login page requested
[notice] 5420 04/29/21:16:10:38.606 [ PYTHON ] Executing :/sgtk/scripts/
[notice] 5420 04/29/21:16:10:41.606 [ ANALYTICS ] [ SGC : Application Shutdown ] Event triggered.
[notice] 5420 04/29/21:16:10:41.606 [ FEATURE SERVICE ] LaunchDarkly Shutdown
[warn] 5420 04/29/21:16:10:41.607 [ ANALYTICS ] No session available to log event.
[notice] 5420 04/29/21:16:10:41.617 [ PLAYER ] Waiting for media representation thread
[notice] 5420 04/29/21:16:10:41.617 [ PLAYER ] Waiting for composition change
[notice] 5420 04/29/21:16:10:41.617 [ PLAYER ] Leaving the player
[error] 5420 04/29/21:16:10:41.617 [ PLAYER ] Failure

Am I wrong in thinking I can share a Shotgun configuration with multiple OS (e.g. MacOS and Windows)?


I encontered the similar issue and I submit a ticket for the issue to the community but I can’t get the reply.

I’m also using Mac and Windows now.
I can launch Crate on Mac but I can’t launch Create on Windows.

The log file displayed the following error.

[error] 24308 09/13/22:11:51:58.911 [curl error 6]: Could not resolve host: -
[notice] 24308 09/13/22:11:51:58.915 [ MEDIA LIBRARY ] Executed GET_MIN_SG_VERSION

Could you please share how to solve the issue? I can’t launch Create for the past several months.