I missed that mention so long time, I’m sorry.
In our cases, our games elements has so many kinds of categories for each project. For instance, rarity for items, [“★★★★★”, “★★★★”, “★★★”, “★★”, “★”] is used in some project but in another project [“SSR”, “SR”, “R”, “N”] is used. We believe it’s quite commont that such game projects items often have a lot of varieties of elements. So we have to make them separatly managed for each use case.
We could use for other entities for them(Actually we do use CustomEntity for Project Unique Tags, called ProjectTags). But linked field is bassically type-and-search type UI field, it’ not displayed as list type field and that basically displays everything from a linked entity. If it’s possible to customize display option by filtering and switching display type for linked field, that might be one of solutions for us.