Is there a way to use locations or sites with Generative Scheduling if you need to divide the Sequences and Shots by studio locations and only want to create a schedule for your studio? Or alternatively, is there a way to filter down to a subset of Tasks based on a Task Field that will allow you to create a generative schedule rather than all of the Tasks under the one Project?
Currently no. But it would be interesting to understand more about how you might want to filter down to a subset of tasks? Would it be a field on the task entity in FPTR that you would treat as an “include/exclude” flag? Or, something more elaborate? One consideration here would be if you had a task set to be “included”, it would also probably need to expand the filter to include any upstream dependencies (otherwise it might not result in a schedule that obeys those requirements).
Thanks for your reply! We use one SG site across multiple locations and will have multiple locations working on one Project. We mark Tasks based on where the work is being completed and would only want to generate a schedule based on our own location’s Tasks, not another location’s, as they have different resources and constraints.