Importing an Excel Weekly Status Report

Is there a way to define a starting row within the bulk importer? Essentially I have a report where the fields don’t begin until row 6.

Each time I drag the document in, Flow gets confused so being able to designate a “start point” would be awesome.

Not that I’m aware of but you can just select the data you want in excel and the headers then copy and paste the data into the bulk importer.

Technically you don’t need the headers either but you’ll need to define those manually during import if you don’t use them or sg can’t auto detect them

You could try making another tab in excel that references the headers from your “pretty” tab and then references the data from the 6th row.

I’ve dealt with importing Excel weekly reports a lot, and separating dates and times can be tricky, but it’s manageable. You can use Excel’s text functions if you have the date and time in one cell and want to split them. First, to separate the date from the time, try using the TEXT function to format the date and time into separate columns. For example, use =TEXT(A1,“mm/dd/yyyy”) for the date and =TEXT(A1,“hh:mm:ss”) for the time. This should work smoothly! You can also use custom formulas if you’re dealing with more complex data. For more details, check out this how to separate date and time in excel guide.

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there’s an easy way to make it all work within Shotgrid.

Are you saying you found a solution?