How couldn't I add the "Sequence" Key in my template.yml for dynamic folder

Hi guys!

In our project, we need add a Sqeuence folder before create a asset file,
so I change the asset_root path with the “Sequence” in template.yml like this:

asset_root: 04_Concept/{Sequence}/{sg_asset_type}/{Asset}/{Step}

but when I save photoshop file with ShotGird panel, it will get a error:

I don’t know why the Keyword ‘Sequence’ is defined in the template.yml, but it still tell me the fields were missing.

I searched in community, and find a topic Error when resolving path from template at New File open. then I follow the sugget to add a new filter in my asset.yml file like this:

- { "path": "sg_sequence", "relation": "is", "values": [ "$sequence" ] }

schema folder

After that, I got a new error with commond: tank Asset folders

ERROR: A general error was reported: 'sg_sequence'

Oh damn, I can’t find out how to resolve it. please help me, how can I add a dynamic folder with keyword ‘Sequene’ in asset_root path.

At first sight it looks correct. Could you post sequence.yml, asset_type.yml, and asset.yml?
I assume the Asset entity has a field sg_sequence.

Of cause! Here is asset.yml below :

(The field sg_sequence is included in this file, I don’t know is right or not? )

type: "shotgun_entity"

name: "code"

entity_type: "Asset"

    - { "path": "project", "relation": "is", "values": [ "$project" ] }
    - { "path": "sg_sequence", "relation": "is", "values": [ "$sequence" ] }
    - { "path": "sg_asset_type", "relation": "is", "values": [ "$asset_type"] }

and the asset_type.yml file :

type: "shotgun_list_field"

entity_type: "Asset"

skip_unused: false

field_name: "sg_asset_type"

  - { "path": "project", "relation": "is", "values": [ "$project" ] }

and the sequence.yml

type: "shotgun_entity"

name: "code"

entity_type: "Sequence"

    - { "path": "project", "relation": "is", "values": [ "$project" ] }

Maybe I made some stupid mistake, Please forgive my first try with SG. :face_with_thermometer: