Filtering tickets that have never been opened

Hi everyone,

I am looking for a way to filter tickets that I have never opened only - and not tickets that have been updated since the last time opened them.

I can’t rely on the Read\Unread field, as this would filter tickets that have been updated since I read them.

Is there a way to discriminate based on the “never read” information, or a workaround to accomplish it? I am thinking about a solution simple enough so it would not involve the Event Daemon or web hooks to add further information in a custom field of the Ticket entity.


Isn’t this also more workflow related?

Are you triaging tickets?

maybe all tickets should come in as “new” and then once someone reads it should be set to a different status?

Hi Ricardo,

Thank you for your answer.

Isn’t this also more workflow related?

I’m not sure what you mean here.

Are you triaging tickets?

I have a custom pages with several tabs, each tab filtering tickets on specific needs (tickets that belongs to a specific projects, tickets in a given state, etc.). Many of my colleagues use similar custom pages too.

maybe all tickets should come in as “new” and then once someone reads it should be set to a different status?

Yes, but how would the status change from new to a different status? This is possible through the Event Daemon or web hooks, but I would like to avoid those solutions if possible.

If you look at a product like Zendesk, it has the following statusses:

In progress
On hold

Tickets are ‘New’ when they need to be triaged.

Once someone reads/triaged them they are “Open”.

You could use a similar workflow and potentially combine the “Read/Unread” status to get the desired result.

But point being that a ticket should always be triaged once read.

I see. We don’t have strict process to triage our tickets. I’ll bring the topic internally.

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