EXR header info

Using RV’s embedded functionality, via Python, Mu, or compiled, how can I read/get the entire header (aka metadata) of an EXR image? We need to parse the cryptomatte information contained in the exr header.
Hoping this is possible within RV, else we would have to use something like OpenEXR, etc.


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Hi,jpolk, did you ever find a solution for this?We hava same condition…hope your reply!

Hi, I’d have a look at the implementation of the image info (Tools/Image Info (F4)).
There all the metadata get’s displayed so there is a way to get the data.

It is implemented in rvui.mu so looking there might give you what you are looking for.

Otherwise maybe the info from commands.sourceMediaInfo() might also already give you what you need.

Cheers, Mirco

Hi Sky555,
I eventually had to use the Python package OpenEXR and call Python from Mu…
In Python, I opened the EXR and got the manifest, then had to serialize that data in order to return it back to Mu for further processing.
Hope this helps!

May I ask how you handle compilation issues with OpenExr? For example, my RV version on Windows is 7.1.0 and I cannot find the OpenExr module that is suitable for it. Thank you!