Can I display the status of the latest Version for each Shot on my Shots page?

In Shots page I would like to have a Version Status column. I need that column to reflect the Status of the latest version of a shot. Right now, the Status of a version does not reflect on Shots page.


You can create a new Query field to pull in the status that you need from the Version. See example below:


Hi there!
I have a similar question, hoping to piggyback off of this .
Is there a way, in the shots page to display the approved version of each shot? (Letā€™s say that the version approval status is ā€œFinalā€)

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Hey @Maria_Sartzetakiā€”welcome back to the community!

Yesā€”this is possible! Youā€™ll do something similar to whatā€™s suggested above, but youā€™ll want to add another filter condition of Status is Final and then change the Single Version option of Display this Version field = Thumbnail.

Itā€™ll look like this:

Youā€™ll then get a thumbnail in the row if thereā€™s a version that matches the query. Itā€™ll look like this:

That should do itā€”let us know if youā€™re looking for something else! :partying_face:


The ā€˜Linkā€™ doesnā€™t have the ā€˜Current Shotā€™. is this something that has change? Iā€™m trying to do the same thing

Are you sure you are trying to display a ā€œVersionā€.

The link fields are displayed depending on the entity.

Thanks Richard. It is set to that, but not option. I wonder why

Iā€™m also trying to display a latest version on the shots page, but I canā€™t seem to link to the shot?

Query > Version > Link is Current shot doesnā€™t come up.

Iā€™ve also tried going down the Link trees to Link > Sequence > Shots > Current Shot but that just pulls up a blank in the query.

Try Link -> Shot -> Current Shot

Tried all options from above, but worked that one. Hope that it will also help someone.

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