There are no errors, but the panel is not added as a tab. The logs don’t show anything out of the ordinary either. I verified that the site.yml is being read by purposely writing in wrong syntax to trigger an error.
Tried also adding the “run_at_startup” in the tk-desktop.yml. The panel gets added as an app in the “Studio” section but does not run or get added as a tab on Desktop startup.
# project
location: ""
location: ""
location: ""
tk-multi-launchapp: ""
tk-multi-launchhiero: ""
tk-multi-launchmari: ""
tk-multi-launchmotionbuilder: ""
tk-multi-publish2: ""
tk-multi-screeningroom: ""
tk-desktop-timecard: ""
tk-multi-submitter: "" # Set to houdini until we need to open up for other DCCS
tk-multi-launchhoudini: ""
- {app_instance: '', name: Apps}
- {app_instance: tk-multi-shotgunpanel, name: ''}
Just not sure why following those steps are not working for me. Seems like it should be pretty straighforward. But I can’t get an app to launch automatically or get added as a panel. So far I’ve tried, tk-multi-publish2, tk-multi-pythonconsole, and tk-multi-shotgundpanel.
It looks to me that my site.yml is only being read when I select a project and not at the project selection stage of launching Desktop. Not sure if that has anything to do with it.
Might have to take over tk-desktop and start debugging.
In that case, go into the down arrow and open the log folder.
Then look at the logs from the tk-desktop.log file to see if there are any error messages regarding the panel app.
Thanks @Ricardo_Musch . I went through the logs and there are no errors relating to the panel. There is a warning:
WARNING sgtk.ext.tkimpdd296c84ecb544398738605235fae0d3.tk_desktop.site_communication] [PROXY] Panel functionality not implemented. Falling back to showing panel ‘tk_multi_shotgunpanel_main’ in a modeless dialog
This is only triggered when I launch the panel from the “Studio” section entry after selecting a project in SG Desktop, though.
Hmm, from my understanding the _run_startup_commands function reads from the “run_at_startup” setting and executes any commands in the list. Apps is a special reserved case that the engine handles itself.