I have a centos 8 and machine and another running ubuntu 20.4 and getting rv to run on either OS is a struggle. I understand centos 7 is the recommended os for rv, but those 2 machines cannot be downgraded.
Has anyone successfully gotten RV to run on anything else than centos 7? If so, I’d appreciate some help/hints.
I’ve been trying to get it to work in Centos 8 for a while and just figured it out today.
It now perfectly runs on CentOS 8. Here is how I got it to work.
I installed RV on a CentOS 7 installation made sure it ran. (this optional really but ensure RV works in that environment in the first place)
I then launched RV on CentOS 8 from a terminal and one by one read the names of library files RV was erroring out on (.so. files)
I searched for the equivalent library (.so) file from my CentOS 7 /usr/lib64 folder and copied and renamed the lib file to RV’s {RV_INSTALL_FOLDER}/lib folder.
I had to be creative with "libssh" since the lib name wasn’t a perfect match but I always renamed the lib file to what RV was expecting and in the launch error message.
I had to do this for about 5 to 10 *.so files and then it opened and ran perfectly in CentOS 8.
The reason why it works is because the “rv” tcsh script from the /bin folder prepends the {RV_INSTALL_FOLDER}/lib folder to the “LD_LIBRARY_PATH” environment variable. Which effectively makes RV load the library files from this folder first (it takes precedent over system libs)
I’m probably not allowed to share RV’s binaries on the forum but feel free to reach out if you want me to zip it up for you. It could save you some time.
I hope this helps.
Hello, Renaud, have the same issue with Rocky OS 8. There are no PMs on this platform, so I would like to ask, if you will have time, to zip up your solution and send it to cgmaniak (at) gmail (dot) com. Thank you in advance, you’re a life saver!
@nishith CentOS 7 is the Linux distribution that we use daily to build and run RV. It should run without friction. Can you please tell me what dependencies are missing and what version of CentOS 7 you are running?