Unable to connect to Shotgun (attempt 5 of 5): Unknown error: Can't authenticate script '<SCRIPT_NAME>'


The Can’t authenticate script problem is occurring at random.
Suddenly, errors will begin to appear and then vanish.

Does anyone know what the error is and where we may begin our investigation? We’ve already verified everything, but we might be missing something.

Error Message-
Unable to connect to Shotgun (attempt 5 of 5): Unknown error: Can’t authenticate script ‘<SCRIPT_NAME>’

If anyone knows anything about the same, kindly let us know.

Thank you

There was an incident with authentication on Autodesk’s end this morning that caused this. We had to re-generate our api keys twice to get things working again.

Thank you for the quick reply and clarification.

Just for clarity, te old api keys also work again.

Yes Got it, All things are working fine at our end now.

Thank you