Thanks for writing in, we’ll be happy to help out here.
So, unfortunately, there isn’t a way to explicitly block a user from only selecting their user in the person field. If they have permission to change the person field (which is what tracks who the time log is for), then technically they can change that value to something else.
Having said that, when you create a new time log, it will always default to value to the user who is logged in. This should help ensure that time logs do not get created as blank.
May I enquire as to your use case here, are you trying to avoid users incorrectly setting the wrong user, or do you have another kind of workflow where people log time for other users perhaps?
If you have any further questions don’t hesitate to give us a shout.
I am looking to ensure that: in order for an artist to create a timelog on a given task, he MUST absolutely be assigned to the task. Currently, some artist log time in tasks that they are not assigned to.
It’s a bit tricky here. There is no way to set up conditional permission on entity creation as the entity is not created thus no way to validate the conditional ruleset.
And Task.Time Log field on Task entity is a system calculated field which queries all the time log entry on a give task. We cannot apply conditional permission ruleset as well on the “special source” field.
With that being said, the only workaround I could think of is to limit users to see tasks they are assigned only, which will prevent them from logging time on they are not assigned to.
Hey @Ben_xzj and @Meggie we are facing the same issue in our studio. Preferably the Time Log entity Link field should only give artist the option to choose Assigned tasks. The current behaviour gives them the option to choose any task from any assigned project.
I wonder what are the options to limit the artist to only see his assigned Tasks?
Also maybe a little out of topic but are there any options to log non-projecr related tasks like downtime, meetings or holidays?
For the first issue I believe the best way to achieve this is to ask Support to edit the conditional permissions so that users cannot see tasks they are not assigned to. That will automatically limit them from being able to select them anywhere.
To log time to non-project related tasks, this can be done in a few ways depending on your workflow and how you want to do it.
You could enable tasks on the Project level and create a downtime/holiday/meeting task on each project that people can log time to.
Or create a General Project where you do this admin so there are just one set of these tasks.
Then in combination with the first point, you either have to ensure (via webhook/event daemon) that every user is assigned to the tasks they should be able to see.
Or you ask support to make an exception for tasks in the General Project.