I am trying to publish from nuke to Flow Production Tracking using the Publish feature, but I get an error message. Does any one know how I can fix this issue?
“Not enough keys to apply workfields” means that some fields of the publish template could not be filled in. What does your template contain?
The error message means that there is already a publish with this path. If you want to publish again, you have to raise the version number, or delete the old publish.
I have deleted all the old versions and saved a new one but still get this error message. My templates are:
nuke_shot_render_stereo: #RENDER OUTPUT PATH
definition: ‘@shot_root/work/RENDERS/{name}/v{version}/{Shot}{name}v{version}.{SEQ}.exr’
definition: '@shot_root/publish/elements/{name}/v{version}/{Shot}{name}{nuke.output}_{eye}_v{version}.{SEQ}.exr’
maybe I have to update my publish template?
I bet {eye}
could not be filled in. There might be some configuration of the write node, to get this.
I was going to run a test with the keys, but when I tried to export from Nuke Studio again I get this “name ‘StandardError’ is not defined” message. Does anyone know why this error is showing up now?
I don’t know this error, but it sounds like it could be Python 2 vs 3. In the 3 stdlib there is no such exception type.
Edit: I was right sst - Python : NameError: name 'StandardError' is not defined - Stack Overflow
The plugin you are using is likely ancient.