I need to create a backend for my studio to do several things like a connection with local databases or some other in-house integrations and I would like to integrate the Shotguns tks with this backend.
How the best way to do that? I imagine it would be interesting for all tks to be able to import my library such as the tank or sgtk of tk-core.
Hey @gvalderramos—asked around the team and @tannaz recommended checking out our Developer Day Shotgun Development series playlist where she and @bouchep cover things top to bottom, which should get you on your way.
If you have any specific or follow questions, drop them here!
Hey @johnny.duguid , thank you for your answer! I’ve watched but it has some time, so I will see again.
I think my question was a little more specifically as to what files or where should I put my backend for shotgun to recognize as a global toolkit like tk-core or what do I need to change in tk-core so that it recognizes my lib.
For example, I saw that in the tk-core/python folder there are three folders, the tank, sgtk and tank_vendor folder, if I put my lib in a 4th folder called for example my_lib, will all tk-core recognize it? Would I need to make a change at this level or is there an easier way to extend the functionality of tk-core?
Hi Gabriel! It sounds like you want to have some custom python modules included with your Toolkit pipeline configuration? The best way to do that is by putting your code in a custom Toolkit framework. Frameworks are collections of code that are not engine-specific, but aren’t app-specific either. We use frameworks internally for utility methods, Qt widgets, etc. But you can put any code in custom frameworks that you’d want to use outside of a specific app or engine.