Shotgun Panel: Filter Tasks

Hi Everyone,

Is there any way to configure the ‘shotgunpanel’ to filter the tasks, e.g. as it might appear in Maya?

I managed to create custom actions based on Task Statuses, but would like to visibly filter out tasks that are not set to either ‘ready to start’ or ‘in progress’. In a similar fashion to what ‘Shotgun Create’ tries to do, but with the benefit of keeping the artist within the context of their chosen DCC.

Thanks for any help,


P.S. After a bit of trying and digging, I feel I’m looking for a similar setting that’s available in the ‘workfiles2’ --> my_tasks_filters: [[sg_status_list, is, ip]]
I tried putting it into my shotgunpanel yamls, but that doesn’t seem to make any difference.


@jhultgre created a pull request that adds this functionality, at present we’ve unfortunately not had time to look at it, though we have it logged.


was this ever figured out? I’m having the same issue. i tried the link but it ended up crashing my software.