Shotgun Create not showing anything in My Tasks or Reviews

When you log into Shotgun Create and see nothing in My Tasks or Reviews, it’s probably:

If you’re an Artist, this is most likely being caused by:

  • You have no assigned Tasks. Ask your Shotgun Admin if you need help.
  • Your assigned Tasks are either not ready to start and can be found in Upcoming or have been completed and are in Done .

Learn more about how My Tasks works here.

If you’re a Reviewer, this is most likely being caused by:

  • You have no assigned Tasks. Ask your Shotgun Admin if you need help.
  • Your assigned Tasks are either not ready to start and can be found in Upcoming or have been completed and are in Done .

Learn more about how My Reviews works here.

If you got tasks assigned as artists, or got added to Reviewer field already, then:

it’s very possible that you didn’t organize your Tasks status into Upcoming, Active and Done. The tasks with statuses which fall into one the three tab will show up on Shotgun Create. And My Reviews looks for any Tasks with Pending Review versions on them. If your site does not use Pending Review as the default version status, you might want to change this.

You should go to Apps->Manage Apps->click the gear icon on Shotgun Create to get to the Create Configure page. Besides organizing status, there are a few other settings you might want to modify there. Follow this Shotgun Create for Admins doc here.