Shotgrid Summarize - Get a count of latest versions


I have a summarize query -

    summary = sg.summarize(
        filters=[["project", "is", some_project]],
        summary_fields=[{'field': 'id', 'type': 'count'}],
            {'field': 'entity', 'type': 'entitytype', 'direction': 'asc'},

And it shows me a count of all versions for a particular entity type. It works great.
However, I’d like to also be able to do this for just the most recently created versions as well.

I can achieve this with a normal Version query and a filter preset like

    versions = sg.find(
        [["project", "is", some_project]],
        additional_filter_presets: [{'preset_name': 'LATEST', 'latest_by': 'ENTITIES_CREATED_AT'}]

But of course I lose the ability to get a count per entity.

I’m not super familiar with the summarize syntax. Can anyone provide some insight here?
