I wanted to create a small script that allows me to get a shotgun context only from a given file path (no engine available). I found some topics about the bootstrap API and was kind of able to get it working with the following code (I am working with a distributed config):
import sgtk // from centralized tk-core on the server
import shotgun_api3 // also from tk-core
path_to_file = "xyz"
project_name = "TEST_PROJECT" // I can extract that from the path_to_file at any time
# get sg
sg = shotgun_api3.shotgun.Shotgun(
# get project entity based on project name
project_entity = sg.find_one("Project", [["name", "is", project_name]], ["id"])
# start up a Toolkit Manager
mgr = sgtk.bootstrap.ToolkitManager()
mgr.plugin_id = "basic.shotgun"
# use the primary config
mgr.base_configuration = "sgtk:descriptor:shotgun?entity_type=PipelineConfiguration&name=Primary&field=sg_uploaded_config"
# start engine
engine = mgr.bootstrap_engine("tk-shotgun", entity=project_entity)
# get tk and context
tk = engine.sgtk
ctx = tk.context_from_path(path_to_file)
It gives me the right context so far, but I am not quite sure about my approach.
Before I go too far with my scripts, would that be a valid way to go here?