Hi, new here, maybe wrong section of forum, not sure how it goes here …
I have one (well many more, but one step at a time amirite ), quick question
Can someone please provide simplest shortest possible working script that would achieve path/file-path creation using correct pipeline configuration (python), without running under some application that has toolkit already configured by SG-DESKTOP ?
I have tk-core/python is sys paths and can access it. Same with shotgun_api3
But all my attempts to get or create context failed.
mainly on this error:
tank.errors.TankInitError: The pipeline configuration with id 34, associated with Project 122, cannot be instantiated because it is a distributed config. To launch this kind of configuration, use the Bootstrap API instead…
(BUT HOW would one use Bootstrap API ??) Also it seams a bit overkill to create several thousands lines of boilerplate bootstrapping code just to get back one file-path.
current progress
import custom shotgun_api database manager
list projects
pick one
entity = ( ‘Project’, 122 )
_tk = sgtk.sgtk_from_entity( *entity )
needs to be resolved
ctx = _tk.context_from_entity( *entity )
tmpl = _tk.templates[ ‘ocio’ ]
fields = ctx.as_template_fields(tmpl)
out = template.apply_fields(fields)
Please. Help me create simplest way to create or resolve path using correct config