Review App Export CSV/Excel - SG for dummies pls!

Hello all!
Love using the review app, but is there a way to export a CSV/Exel from those notes once they’re published? I’m not the most SG savvy. Replies for SG dummies greatly appreciated!



Hi @gadaba,

Welcome to the forum! :wave: Review Notes App is one of my favorites as well.

When you finish publishing your notes by clicking the “Send Notes” button of the Email Summary, a window pops up that asks you what you want to do next. You can choose to go back to the Playlist Detail Page OR you can go to a new page with your imported Note data.

Select the second option and from that page, you can click the “More > Export All to CSV”

And you are off to the races!

Here is more documentation on the Review Notes App if you want to learn more about it.


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Hello there! New to the forum here, can’t post any new threads yet. So I wonder if I can ask @Beth my question related to the Review Notes App here?

My question is: can I import bulk notes to a playlist in the Review Notes App? Which each note will go to correlated version in the playlist.

Thank you in advance!


Hi @Momo_Zhan,

Yes, you could import bulk notes. It is just like you import Asset or Shot. You need to do it in Notes entity. The link should be the playlist.



Hi @Momo_Zhan,

To add to what my colleague @jing.liu said, you can only bulk import Notes using the entity Importer on a Notes page under the “More > Import Notes”.

If you want the Note to link properly to both the Playlist and the Version, you will need to ensure the Links field of that Note contains both the Version Name, and the Playlist Name.

Alternatively, you can always open the Playlist in the Review Notes App and copy and paste Notes from a spreadsheet into each note text box on the appropriate Version. Some users still like to use this method.

Hope that gets you where you need to go!


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