RestAPI - view History


It is possible to fetch the history (modifications) of a field via the RestAPI (


Hi @eeight ,

Yes, that’s possible. The history is stored as an entity in SG. You can use the /entity/event_log_entrys endpoint.
With a filter that matches the field entity (“Link”) and the field attribute_name (“Attribute Name”) to whatever you need.


Note: I’m not 100% sure about the mangling of EventLogEntry to event_log_entrys but I think that this is correct.

Hi @mminsel

Thank you, but I don’t have access to older history, it’s stopping at: 759,017 for me (I am using the web-ui for now).

Any idea?

Hi @eeight ,
In your ShotGrid (SG) preferences you’ll find: grafik

SG creates many EventLogEntries, so that storing all of them forever seems unfeasible.

Alternatively it could also be that your page-filter is stopping you from seeing more events. By default it is set to 4 weeks:

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Is there a form to request a dump of the archive for this entity (.sql, .csv, …). We need the history of the EventLogEntries since the creation of our site (> 6 months).

I guess, this would be a request to the ShotGrid support.