Reload Screening Room Detail Pane from Python

we’re using some code to update the Task and Version status using hotkeys to speed up reviews.This works fine.
But is there a way to trigger a reload/refresh of the details pane to show the new status? The reload function inside the right click menu seems to be part of the website, and not something accessible in RV. Is there another way? I dug through the screening room package, but couldn’t figure it out. How does RV trigger the reload when the timeline jumps to a new shot?


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Nico, did you ever find a solution for this? we also have a very similar problem with the Details Pane in RV not refreshing.
Thank you,


no sorry. I didn’t find anything and gave up.
I use rv.extra_commands.displayFeedback() to display a short message onscreen and that has to be enough.


Pity that you never got an answer. Seems to be an important feature

The only way I’ve been able to get the details pane to refresh is by jumping to another version loaded in the timeline. The screening room package seems to be sending a “sg-source-frame-changed” event, with a version ID as its contents, but not handling the event, which leads me to believe this is handled by SG’s server-side Javascript code.

It’s pretty hacky but you could force this signal to be emitted yourself by calling rvc.setFrame() to force the timeline to jump to anothe version (forcing a reload to the new version) and then calling it again to jump back to your starting frame (forcing a reload to your initial version).

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