Readout of pipeline step info via a Calculated Field


How to retrieve information from a specific pipeline steps within a calculated field on a version page?

Concretely I’m trying to get the “time_logs_sum” of a pipeline step with the field code “step_198”. I had assumed that the following code would give the desired result: {entity.Shot.step_198$time_logs_sum} but the formula column doesn’t accept it, even though this seems to be the exact field code. Having looked through all available Linked Fields in the Calculated Field mask I also can’t select a specific pipeline step or task.

Is this simply not possible, or am I doing something wrong?

I know I could simply pull in the respective column on the version page, but I’d like to do further calculations with the field result. Hence the diversion via the calculated field.

I would be grateful for any hint in the right direction!

Have you tried using a query field instead of a calculated field?

Thanks Pete for your prompt feedback!

A query field I’m afraid won’t help in that particular case, as the final goal is to pull in several info into that one calculated field (by a concatenation).
Or were you thinking of using the query field as a intermediate step and to pull the query result into the calculated field?

For calculated fields you are limited to the expressions, functions and linked fields within the edit menu. While the options have improved a lot in recent years there is still some functionality missing that would be extremely useful. I think this is mostly to avoid people creating calculations that are too heavy or simply incompatible with the hierarchy of the entities and fields within.

In your case, trying to pull time log data from a specific pipeline step associated with versions could be difficult. Versions aren’t always linked to tasks and when they are could be linked to tasks from different pipeline steps then the one you’re referring to.

I mentioned query fields might be an option because you can create a filter against a specific time log and possibly the corresponding tasks within the pipeline step your wanting but it would require a little testing/digging around your setup.

From what I can tell, I think you might be best served by writing a webhook that pulls the required time log data from tasks linked to your versions?

Thanks a bunch Pete, for your detailed response. Well, it seems I’ll have to bury the calculated fields idea. Will have a look then in the webhook alternative. Let’s see where this leads me. Cheers!