Photoshop publish exr

Need that when supervisor requires to , he/she should be able to view published exrs from photoshop in shotgrid. How can that be made possible ?

There are hooks for this in the photoshop tk engine, but they need to be configured.
This is an excerpt from our configuration, which goes under the tk-photoshopcc engine

        location: ''
        collector: '{self}/{engine}/tk-multi-publish2/basic/'
          Work Template: photoshop_shot_work
          Publish Template: photoshop_shot_publish
        - name: Publish Scene
          hook: '{self}/{engine}/tk-multi-publish2/basic/'
            Work Template: photoshop_shot_work
            Publish Template: photoshop_shot_publish
        - name: Create Version
          hook: '{self}/{engine}/tk-multi-publish2/basic/'
            Work Template: photoshop_shot_work
            Publish Template: photoshop_shot_publish
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Thank you @mmoshev for the reply. If I am asked to view version’s instead of published files, how to view them ?

Versions are made from published files so there is no difference in that sense. You can always find from which published file the version has been done by looking into the “Published Files” field of the version

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Can I move further on in direction of the question. To implement what you have suggested, I need to take over the tk-photoshopcc app. Their is a folder where all customised apps are located with the config pointing to this folder.

Every app, example tk-multi-publish2, has an module with

class MultiPublish2(sgtk.platform.Application):

tk-photoshopcc by default does not have this module. This is a problem as it results in publish icon missing from shotgrid panel in photoshop.

How to implement this, in proper design perspective ?

Hey, you should not take over the app. Taking over a publish hook would be enough. Did you look through the video tutorial I suggested earlier? It should explain to you how to publish something specific you need. Also, try to search here on the community platform.

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