Need help building up a timelog history graphic

Hi everyone!!

I’m trying to build up a graphic that by department or person shows on timeline the timelog history

The previus picture is not the graphic itself but It have the fields on the left that I’m not finding.

The thing is that for that graphic I see that there is a way to use the field Graph: with a field that is not a status. And I also see more fields like sort and by.

But when i go to my shotgrid and use an Status History Graph

I found that I have a lot less fields, and I can only chouse to make the graph from a state field.

I haven’t been able to find the solution. I guess that I have to graph by timelog entity and then group it by person or department. But because I don’t have that fields I can’t do it.

Don’t use the history widget. Use the graph widget. Make it a horizontal graph. Have it graph the timelog entries and, in the advanced options, have it grouped by days (or weeks) not individual entries. This will give you a timeline with daily (or weekly) summaries.

Ouuu I was so blind!!!

Yesss that was it. When I put the graph widget in vertical mode and graph by date it change to the history widget interface.

Thanks so much!