We are using Autodesk accounts for managing licenses using an email that is not the same as the admin in SG. So we see: Your accounts don’t match
What to do? Can I simply change the email in SG for my admin user and voilà ?
We are using Autodesk accounts for managing licenses using an email that is not the same as the admin in SG. So we see: Your accounts don’t match
What to do? Can I simply change the email in SG for my admin user and voilà ?
Hi @eeight
The email used to connect to manage.autodesk.com does not need to be a user on the ShotGrid site. Connecting to manage.autodesk.com is required to renew subscriptions and link existing sites into your subscription.
Your ShotGrid user management, by your ShotGrid site admins, should be done within ShotGrid itself. Exactly as would be done in the past.
Adding a new user in ShotGrid will:
After creating/inviting the new user, the admin can immediately assign them to the correct projects and permission group.
Hi Patrick,
When clicking Migrating to Autodesk in the top menu of SG I get this:
You’re currently signed in to an Autodesk account that has a different email to your ShotGrid account. To continue you will need to sign in with in with an Autodesk account with the same email as the one you use for ShotGrid.
Hi @eeight
In order to start/advance the migration process, you need to have your ShotGrid admin email be the same as your Autodesk Identity user email.
If they are indeed the same, then there is a bug. Reach out to me privately with your details (site url + email, so that we can investigate).
If not, the you have 2 choices:
In the case where the ShotGrid admin account is a shared account, this setup may not be needed in the future : a single Autodesk Identity account can be tied to multiple individual users on a given ShotGrid site while consuming only one license. So you can have an Admin user (to manage the site) and an Artist user (to do your daily work), both sharing the same Autodesk Identity user and license. At login time, you will be presented with a user selector.
Hoping this helps,
Hi @patrick-hubert-adsk,
we are experiencing the very same problem with our edu-licence and both my shotgun admin login and autodesk account have the same mail address. I tried with fresh accounts as well, but it would not work. Is there any known fix to this problem in the meantime?
Hi @filmuni
May I ask when and how you created your original Autodesk Identity account ?
A few people have reported this issue and we have yet to find the root cause.
Would you be willing to share your site URL and the email of your problematic user with me, in a Private message ? That would really help me to solve this.