Hi Joe
So I think I understand, your making changes to the pipeline rules in for example the publish app, but of course, that will only affect publishes going forward rather than all Assets that have generated publishes in the past?
So you would like to create a script that looped over the Assets checked to see somehow if they had the required outputs conforming to the current validation standards and generated a farm job to create them if not?
I’m not sure if I can help you with all of that, and I’m not sure there is an “easy” way as such.
If it was me and I had a script that had identified an asset that needed its outputs regenerating, then I would probably handle the submission and bootstrapping my self. I’d create a job on the farm and provide it with a serialized context, and any other information required to bootstrap and set it to run a custom startup script in Maya.
That custom startup script would then bootstrap the engine and perhaps use the Publish API to run the publish process.
I just posted here and example of using the bootstrap API which might be of help?
We also have a webinar on the Publish API here.