Batch publish

Just wanted to check here to see if this is even possible. Recently my studio needed to batch republish a bunch of assets and I would have loved to use the stand alone publish app to accomplish this but it seems as though application specific file modifications are not handled by the tool. For example I have a few publishes inside of maya that modify the current scene and export an fbx file that then gets put into perforce for our developers ect. Those publishes when I try to add them to the stand alone don’t work because they have an import of the maya cmds module which is not available outside of maya. Is there a way to get this system to open an instance of maya in the background to run these types of publishes. It would be amazing to drag a bunch of maya scenes into the publisher app and have it publish the ma files and kick out our fbx files.


Write custom hooks for the standalone publisher to send farm jobs that open maya and do things?


Hi Ricardo,

We had a webinar on the subject of publishes which may help sort things out for you:


Think this was meant for @jkiser :wink:

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That’s what I get for posting before :coffee:. Thanks for the correction!