Keeping pipeline configurations current among various projects

Hi, we also use git for managing our configurations. core is the main part of toolkit; there are several other modules. tk-core if I understand correctly is the package of all that, which gets cloned to each local centralized project’s directory and gets loaded from there for the project.
This is basically toolkit.

We have a central location - a bare git repo - for the tk configuration, from which everyone else pulls. Something can be changed in one project, and pushed to the central repo, from which e.g. other projects can pull, new projects can clone.

For new projects, if your central config git repo is up to date, they will automatically be the latest version. In the Shotgun destkop wizard, for config source select “git”, and point it to your central repo. This clones the config. The project dir also contains core, under install/core/python.

The best workflow for updating I found is this - there is a test project, where I perform upgrades and test.
You use the tank command:
tank updates - for apps and engines
tank core - for updating core

Then I commit the changes and pull to all other projects with a script.
Finally, you have to run
tank cache_apps
in each project to pull the apps that have been updated in the new configuration.
This is easy with a bit of automation. The nice thing is you have a lot of control over each project.

This became a bit longwinded, and I cannot list all relevant info, so feel free to ask further questions.

Edit: this recent thread is relevant