Hey Ricardo,
I can explain what I do to solve this exact issue. I work at a small studio and we also get a lot of small projects, sometimes we have projects where only 1 or 2 people work on it, but I like to still have them access our full tool pipeline so what I have done is the following.
All our projects are not localized, they are instead sharing a core, the core stays on a consistent version for 2-3months on average then all of those projects also share a configuration that is attached to a central repository. I have 2 of these configurations running in parallel currently, one for the old style shotgun config, and one for shotgun config-default2, this is so I can have a Primary and secondary config setup on each project encase certain futures are not working as intended under config-default2 and more work needs to be done, it’s sort of a WIP config that is stable enough to test, but isn’t guaranteed to be fully functional.
We do, in fact, use Github, but there are certainly other options
Then within any given project I still have the option to create a branch on either config repository for any small deviations a particular show requires. Those deviations then can be merged back into the master branch or can live as a deviation branch for the life of the project.
If I need to take over any of shotgun’s apps/engines/frameworks I simply fork shotguns repo, then create a custom repository to hold my deviation of that shotgun fork. From there I can hook my repo up to my config and easily distribute it to all shows.
I have a pipeline project where I do all my sandbox testing, it is linked to both the stable active config, and a parallel copy “sandbox” config that has branch deviations of it’s own waiting to either be merged, or worked on further.
This is the basic outline of how I maintain multiple projects while keeping a streamlined and simple to understand config setup.
Let me know if you want more info on any of the outline steps.