I’m wondering how I could have tags per project, completely isolating them between projects.
I’m investigating using tags and I’m not sure having them being ‘global’ is very safe, because a tag that was used on a project might later be renamed for the purposes of a new project for example, by a user that would not realize that it affects all instances of the tag and that would not be good.
Also, the list of global tags will grow a lot over time, which would not be an issue if tags were limited to projects
Is there a way to change the tags to reflect this request ? Or is it possible to recreate some kind of custom tag field and not use the default tags ? In that case, I would still like to benefit from the quick search function
We enabled one of the CustomEntity entities and called it “Project Tag”.
I think if you enable “Include in Search results” for the entity, it will added to quick search
You may be able to have SG support help you set up tag filters per project on the backend. We are testing that to filter tags per entity type…but you might be able to do it per project as well. Works well for us so far.
Yes, I was able to set that up. Or rather, I just made the filter fields and then made a shotgrid support request and they set it up.
So you just need to add a custom list for entity type (I think we used “sg_tag_category”) and list the various entity types you want in there. Then indicate to support you want to filter by those and that they correspond to your different site entities. They can be shipped or custom entities.
Below I’ve made a tag that I want to only appear for Assets and nothing else, along with my other general tags (if the category field is blank, it will be global). Then you’ll see in the next image, if I select tags on assets, it will be there. Finally if I select tags on a non-asset entity, I will NOT see it available. **NOTE: Entity tag fields are multientity…so if you want to see all available tags (list style)…then make sure you config the field to list the first n number of entries (see last image)
Followup to my last post. You can additionally make another tag filter field. For example, if you have setup tags to be filtered only for Asset entities, you can also make another field to filter for the “asset type” if you wanted. So character assets could have dedicated tags and envir assets could have different dedicated tags.
It’s probably too buried in my first post. But there very little configuration on the user side. You have to request the filtering feature from Shotgrid Support.
In the tags example, you have tags that apply globally to all entities. So then I added a field to the tag entity that was simply a list field. That you can see in the image. You can see that I have a pretty long list. But let’s just keep it simple. Say you make a list field with entries for Shot and Asset only.
So then you make a Shotgrid Support ticket and request that you’d like tags to be filtered based on the name of the list field you created. You would say that you want tags that are set to “Asset” to only apply to Asset Entities and the ones that are set to “Shot” to only apply to Shot entities. Support will perform this filtering on the backend.
Once they confirm the work is done, they will likely ask you to test it out. So in the above scenario, any tags that have that list field blank will apply globally to all Shotgrid entities. Any tags that are marked “Asset” will be accessible to Asset entities only. And ones with “Shot” in that field will only be accessible by Shot entities.
Doing this on the tag entities, is just this one example. I’ve also been able to employ this on other entities too. The point is that it’s flexible to employ and also you cannot implement it without interaction with the Support Team. Hope that helps