I cannot execute shotgrid desktop

Dear all.
I am trying to install Shotgrid Desktop, but it does not work and shows an error “Error:‘NoneType’ object has no attribute login.”
I am looking for a resolution to solve the problem.
I have attached screenshots of the error and its log file.
If there is someone who knows how to fix it, I am waiting for your help.
Best regards.
tk-desktop .log (496.6 KB)

I’m just going to make a wild guess but it may have to do with localisation/chinese(?) characters in the filesystem.
And perhaps a Py3 bug as you are running v1.7.3.

Could you set SHOTGUN_PYTHON_VERSION=2 as environment variable and then start SG Desktop again?
That forces it into Python 2 mode just to see if the error persists.

It works! Thx.

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