This is actually the same question that @Fabian asked here a long time ago. Since he didn’t get any answer, I’m going to explain my case (and I wonder if @Fabian addressed the problem).
So, I define only one mode with the main file, . I guess I have to include the rest of the files in the files key. For now, I’m just testing with a Python file and a file of something else, to see if they are copied to the RV support path.
Then, I created a zip file called vfx_rv_review-0.1.rvpkg with all these files in the root:
You cannot define subfolders in the location of the files in the PACKAGE file. If you do it, the file won’t be copied when you run rvpkg -force -install -add. And if you want to use the Python folder, you cannot even use the $PACKAGE variable.
I wonder why it’s required to specify all the files used by the plugin in the PACKAGE file. Apart from being really annoying, the module structure is not preserved so all the import statements will fail.
So my next test will be remove all the file fields and copy manually, without rvpkg, to one of the folders of the RV support path, keeping the module structure. Then, I’ll update the PYTHONPATH with this path.
This should work. My only concern is what is the risk of having these module files outside of PACKAGE.
If anyone knows the answer, I’d really appreciate it.