How to programatically update the Frame Count or Frame Range fields in the version info?

I’m still a bit new to Flow and it’s possible I don’t understand something basic, but I’ve been uploading videos using a script and while their Frame Rate field is filled automatically, the rest of the fields such as Frame Range, Frame Count, Start Frame, End Frame are not.

So I tried filling them during upload and after some trial and error I found that I can do this:

data = {'sg_first_frame': start_frame, 
         'sg_last_frame': end_frame}
sg.update('Version', id, data)

However, I can’t find a way to update Frame Range and Frame Count. Nothing like sg_frame_range seems to exist according to errors I encountered. Are these things supposed to fill out automatically? Am I not supposed to touch these? I will appreciate any info on the matter

The fields are caled frame_range and frame_count, no sg_ prefix this time.
To find out the fields of Version:


Absolutely amazing. Thank you! And thank you for teaching me how to look up field names. Case closed!