Hi everyone! I’ve been trying to find how to add one or more custom entites to my shotgun. But the only info I have seen is how to enable the ones that shotgun already give you.
I assume that this is possible beacouse shotgun say in the entity description: “Currently you can not make new Entities via the UI, though that is planned in a future release”. So I assume that there has to be a way of doing that.
Hi Mario,
Did you find the CustomEntityX to enable and set up in the Site Preferences > Entities?
Hi Alefeve thanks for the answer.
Yea! The thing is that in my entities menu I only have six custom entites abalible to activate. I’m looking for a way to add more than that six custom entities.
For the capture you have upload. I see you have there a custom entity 23. How have you get to that? You have had to create it?
Here I show you my last custom entity abalible (the six one). By the text near the custom entity number (70 remaingin) I asume that maybe that amount of custom entities already exist but bacouse of some reason I can only see in my shotugun 6
Hey Mario,
once you enable a Custom Entity and give it a name the ui will refresh and you can make another one. (it will then say 69 remaining… etc)
The UI may be a bit clunky here since it would be great to have an add
button instead, but you can definitely use all 70 (should you ever need to)
Ouuuuu that was a tricky one!
Yea that button would be great. May be a faster solution would be just to add that info to the entity description. In my case beacouse I have just arrive into a Shotgun enviroment that the rest of the team has been working I wanted to create just a new one.
So when I read in the description that custom entitys couldn’t be created from the ui I started to look how to create them but I couldn’t find any info all it said was how to use the ones that already existed, now I understand why
Thanks for the tip!!
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