Our pipeline integrations are managed through Toolkit configurations. A configuration is a package of files and folders that control what integrations are available and how they behave. You can find more about setting them up in this guide.
If you’re not sure if you have one or if you can’t find the one you created then you can find them by looking at the PipelineConfiguration
entities on your Shotgun site.
To view all PipelineConfiguration
entities, you can find the global page like this:
Once your on this page, if you don’t see any entities here, then you have no existing configurations in use (make sure you check no filters have been applied to the page first though). If there are no configurations then you are using the basic out of the box integrations.
If there are entities here then the next step is to identify where the configurations are located.
In the screengrab above there are 3 different PipelineConfiguration
entities, belonging to a total of two different projects.
The first entity belonging to the Demo: Animation project, is using a centralized configuration. The paths to the configuration are stored in the Windows Path
, Linux Path
and Mac Path
fields. These should point to a location on disk where you can find your configuration. If all of these three fields are empty then you may a distributed config.
The following two configurations are distributed configurations. The second entity (the primary
configuration) is using an uploaded config. We can see that because a zipped up configuration has been uploaded to the Shotgun site and is stored under the Uploaded Config
field. You can download this config by clicking on the value in the field. You can update the configuration by uploading a new zipped config to the field.
The final configuration is using a descriptor to point to the configuration. In this particular case, the descriptor is pointing to a location on disk, where the config should be found, however, there are other types of descriptors that can be used.