Does anyone kno0w how to hide apps from the shotgrid maya menu. We have a couple of custom apps that work fine and exist in the shotgrid menu however our studio has a custom maya menu and these apps exist in there as well. So having the apps in the shotgrid menu is just a bit redundant. I need to keep the apps in the tk-maya.yml file to make sure they are available in engine but was wondering if there was a “hide” flag or something of the sort I could use to make sure they don’t show.
As far as I can see there is no property when registering the command with the engine that hides the menu item:
However you could fork tk-core and add this in yourself or you could group your apps together using the grouping properties to try and limit the space they take up.
You could also try to register the command with a different type property to hide it from teh main dropdown menu…