We are creating a Delivery entity and would love it to work in a very similar fashion to playlists to be much easier to work with.
Is there any way to create a custom form based on a selection so that it’s already pre-filled?
It should work on a similar fashion to the Add to New Playlist AMI where it populates the version directly on the form.
I’ve seen this done so it is possible. That said, you could also use the playlist entity/functionality as is and add a field or type option to denote some playlists as deliveries. Then you would also have the ability to duplicate existing playlists and change them to a delivery type. Food for thought.
On top of that you can use an AMI to help package delivery versions from a playlist. Populate the related content into the fptk delivery entity that is built in for tracking uploads along with any other data that goes in/out.
Thank you for your reply! The playlist approach was very thoughtful, and it’s actually something we considered (and even tried) before weighing on this route. However, we ultimately want to separate the two entities because, despite their similarities, we’d like to keep them clearly segregated and have permissions isolated as well.
Thanks again for your input—it’s much appreciated!
You can just use the Delivery entity and use a new view to design your own list?
The default view on the Delivery entity is a thread but if you create a new view you can do other stuff.