Event log for a Layout Template being re-applied

After taking an initial look, it’s not immediately apparent to me if there’s an event log entry that indicates if a project was updated based on the re-application of a layout-template. Is there a way this can be determined so we can implement an event based workflow that initiates when a layout template gets re-applied to a project?

Thanks for taking a look at this.


Hi there,

Welcome to the Shotgun Community forum! If you’re referring to updating a Project’s layout through Project Actions > Change Projection Configuration as below, then yes, this does create an event log

Screen Shot 2020-06-26 at 12.49.25 pm

If you go to the Project > Event Log page, you’ll see an event such as: “Configuration updated on Project test by Astrid Scholte. Source: Film Template; Overwrites selected: Project Navigation Pages = TRUE, Record Detail Pages = TRUE, Custom Pages = TRUE, Tracking Settings = TRUE; Are You Sure checkbox checked by: Astrid Scholte”

And the events for all the PageSettings:

Please let me know if this doesn’t answer your question.



Hey @saclar—quick housekeeping note: I’ve moved your post from #pipeline over to the #shotgun category. :slight_smile:

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