Event Daemon sunsetting

Bearing in mind that the event-daemon is being phased out in favor of webhooks, I’d still like to at least know how much more people will be contributing to the event daemon. I ask because it appears that there’s a PR (#68) in limbo at GitHub.

If it’s a dead end it might be wise to plaster this page with deprecation warnings?

Is there a sunset schedule for this puppy?

[Thanks @bouchep!]


Hi Doug,

Just to clear up any deprecation rumours, we’re definitely not planning on sunsetting the event daemon. There are lots of use cases where it makes more sense to use it vs. webhooks.

As for the PR, thanks for flagging it. We’d already been discussing moving the daemon to Python 3, so we’ll factor that PR into that planning.



so… what’s the status on moving the event daemon to python 3?


Hi @neilo,

Porting the daemon is on our shortlist but we don’t have an ETA yet. The team has currently been concentrating on components that run in environments where the user can’t control the Python version they are deploying (such as DCCs).

When it does happen, we’ll make sure to notify the community (and this thread).

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Hey @dougm, @neilo, and other watchers of this thread!

@Ehsan just released the Python 3 support update to the EventDaemon Git repo.

Check it out and let us know if you have any issues!


Thank you! We’ll check it out.

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