Deadline can't authenticate script deadline_integration

so i was having this problem as well i found a fix. not sure if it is the most elegant of fixes but it works.
so within your events/Shotgun folder in your repo openthe file.
go to line 90 and replace the function GetShotgunForEventPlugin
with the Fallowing code.
any changes i made have been marked with DML EDIT

def GetShotgunForEventPlugin( url, proxy, config ):
    # type: (str, Optional[bytes], PluginConfig) -> Shotgun
    if LoginInfo.ShotgunInstance:
            # DML EDIT check if the current shotgrid can connect
            # DML EDIT if so then there is a good connection
            return LoginInfo.ShotgunInstance
            # DML EDIT if not then we force it to connect again
    name = SafeEncode( config.GetConfigEntry( 'ShotgunScriptName' ) )

    dataController = DeadlineApplicationManager.GetBaseInstance().DataController
    secretsManagementEnabled = dataController.SecretsManagementEnabled
    if secretsManagementEnabled:
        key = SafeEncode( dataController.SecretsManagementController.GetSecret('/events/Shotgun/ShotgunScriptKey') )
        key = SafeEncode( config.GetConfigEntry( 'ShotgunScriptKey' ) )

    if proxy == b"":
        proxy = None

    #sgObject = shotgun_api3.shotgun.Shotgun( url, name, key, True, proxy, connect=False )
    # DML EDIT convert the name and key into put strings instead of bitcode strings
    sgObject = shotgun_api3.shotgun.Shotgun( url, name.decode("utf-8"), key.decode("utf-8"), True, proxy, connect=False )
    LoginInfo.Debug( "Connected to Shotgun using API key" )
    return sgObject

how this helps