Customizing columns and column order as a user

Hi all,

I’m new to Shotgun and the community, please excuse my ignorance. I have tried to search for a solution to this here and elsewhere, to no avail.

My role requires viewing specific fields (columns?) in a specific order that no one else on my production needs. As a user, can I save the setup I create at a given level? For example, default view is column A, B, F & H in that order, but I want to see those fields and more, in an order like A, F, B, K, H, R. Once I’m logged in, coming back to that view holds the settings I make, but if I log out, everything reverts, to what I assume is the user default. Can I save my own view customizations?

Thanks! And sorry if this is well tread territory.


Hi Jon,

I often work with a lot of personal pages (or renditions of other pages) for viewing in ways that suit me best :slightly_smiling_face:

If you look at the top right of your page, you should see an icon with the image of a page (likely has a blue dot next to it as well) - next to the refresh icon.

The blue dot signifies that you’ve made changes to the page’s default layout (either by adding new fields, filters, etc).

When you click on that you get a drop down menu of options, you can revert back to the default settings (what you’re seeing when you log out and log back in) or:

Save Page: this saves over the current default (likely not what you want to do if you’re customizing for your eyes only)

Save Page As…: this saves you a copy of this page, incorporating any customizing that you have done. This allows you to save a version under a personal folder within your project - for you to access and customize as you’d like - leaving the original page untouched.

Hope that helps!

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Perfect! Thanks so much, Taryn. This is going to be very handy.