Creating a Custom FX Asset Type and Folder Structure in ShotGrid

Hey @banjac90 you will need to make use of the include: key in tmplates.yml to override keys that already exist, but this may not make sense for your usecase.

See: Template.yml per-project includes - #7 by tannaz

To achieve your original goal, you can have similar definitions but different named templates.

      definition: '@asset_root/work/houdini'
      root_name: 'secondary'
      definition: '@asset_root_fx/work/houdini'
      root_name: 'secondary'

Then any tk-apps or engines using these template names in configurations would need additional environment yml files configured with these values, and the hook (tk-core/hooks/ at master · shotgunsoftware/tk-core · GitHub ) would direct to the appropriate environment yml based on the context (ie. FX asset type).