Client permission to view Gantt scheduling

Hi everyone,
I’m evaluating ShotGrid to see if it can be implemented where I work. Our core business is Real Estate \ Architectural Visualization.

I was wondering if there is a way to share the Gantt scheduling with an external client, in order to give a high-level overview of the phases of the project, without going to much into the details of each task. Something similar to what it can be done in the Project Planning app, where only the main phases of the project are created.

Also, does the Client need a ShotGrid license? I saw that for the review site is not necessary.

Thank you,

Hey Enrico,

Yes you can do something like this using the vendor permissions set and possibly some tweaking on that depending on which entity you use to create your phases.

When giving a client an account like this they require a license.

If you simply use ShotGrid for Review purposes then you can use the Client User entity to create a review account. But this only allows review and not actual login to the site backend. This account does not require a license.

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