Cannot add note

Hello nice people of shotgrid community!

This might be a dumb question, but our TD is on the leave and I am working from home, feeling helpless…

So I just got the group account today and starting to add note under the asset, but after I add the note and press the submit, the page just starts buffering. I waited for 10 minutes and refresh the page, my note was gone…

I tried with a trial account sent by my studio this morning in the coffee shop and test it with no problem at all.

Could it be the group account? Someone else has logged with the same account? My internet supplier? Mercury retrograde?

Please help me! :sob:

Do you mean that if you add a note the website just keeps busy trying to add it?

What browser do you use?

Hey Yes, the website just buffering…I am using Chrome

Are you using any chrome plugins/extensions?
Can you try it from another browser?