Is is possible to change the name of some pre existed fields like durations, Bids etc for particular projects only?
I need to customised some of my projects but I also don’t wats to effect other existing projects as well…
Is is possible to change the name of some pre existed fields like durations, Bids etc for particular projects only?
I need to customised some of my projects but I also don’t wats to effect other existing projects as well…
Not to my knowledge.
Can you not create a dupliacte field just for the current project and use that instead?
Yeah, looks like that would work, and then ShotGrid renames the field in Filters, etc. with the altered display name and then the name of the field in parentheses.
However what @Ricardo_Musch suggested would also work, and if you needed further customizable options like statuses or whatever that would be easier with a separate field probably.
Oh really? I didn’t know that! That’s neat
Yes it worked, Thanks a lot guys for suggestions!!
From my experience the renaming of a field header in a list view is a page setting, so just be sure to update it accordingly to all the relevant pages.