I’m having an issue with the Bookings entity.
I have two test bookings, one on 2024-04-14 (singular day) and one spanning from 2024-04-01 to 2024-04-30.
This is how it appears in the gantt:
The gantt mixes the two bookings and indicates the artist is booked to start on 2024-04-01 and end on 2024-04-14. It shows nothing on the 2024-04-30 date. If you hover over the start/end dates in the gantt, it doesn’t indicate any other fields or information about the booking itself.
In this example, the booking on the singular day of 2024-04-14 is to indicate a booking used for a different purpose, let’s say to indicate a day in which overtime was approved, to enhance visibility on the gantt view for coordinators to effectively look at an overarching schedule.
Given the current behaviour, this is impossible to do.
If you are to set the ‘overtime approved’ booking on 2024-04-14 as a vacation, you can’t distinguish the overtime approval booking from an actual vacation booking on the gantt.
Overall, I’m struggling with using the bookings entity (as the only entity that’s visible on the gantt other than tasks) in a context that isn’t an overarching project allocation or a vacation booking. Is there a workaround, or another solution I should try?
Thank you!