Auto linking Shotgun and Google Sheets

So initially I set up a flask web app hosted on a server that received http requests from google’s app script. Which worked great, but then I decided to pivot and just use google cloud functions and deploy my app script as an add-on. It made the whole thing easier to deploy and distribute internally since we use Google Workspace. The script I use is pretty straightforward, it pulls from SG using the SG API and appends the spreadsheet I want using gspread. Here’s the code: GitHub

As far as listening goes, you’ll need to use Webhooks or the SG Events Daemon. Both are well documented on SG’s developer documentation site. I use the SG Events Daemon for a Tidbyt new versions tracker. Some combination of the code I link there, and the code I’ve linked above will get you where you need to go.

If you’re experienced in the world of SG and coding, Glad I could help. If you’re new to it and don’t know a git from a hub, I highly suggest creative uses of chat GPT, reading as much documentation as you can and or taking a intro python class on Codecademy. That all got me where I needed to go.

Good luck!

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